活動資訊 Info


關於 About

Gopher Conference Taiwan 自 2020 年發起,由 Golang Taipei 社群舉辦,長期投身推廣 Golang 程式語言與相關技術,希望引領更多軟體從業人員使用 Golang 語言,對 Golang 有興趣的朋友可以一同參與社群。

GopherCon TW 2020 邀請身為 Golang 使用者的你,向大家分享您的經驗與技術,期待您能在演講桌前,與我們一起 have fun with golang。

Gopher Conference Taiwan is a conference held by Golang Taipei User Group since 2020. Its aim is to promote Go language and Go's communities. The event is held with talks, sponsors, and community booths. Whoever you are a Golang coder, open-source promoter, or even a newcomer, we sincerely welcome you to be part of GopherCon TW!

Call for Papers! We are looking for talks in Golang related areas. Join us and have fun with Golang by sharing your Golang experiences!

活動 Activity


  • Booths 攤位活動:
  • Lightning Talk 閃電秀:

Q & A

  • Q1. 什麼樣的人適合參與 GopherCon TW ?
    A1. Gopher Conference Taiwan 致力於 Golang 的推廣,無論是已經身在資訊領域,或是還沒踏進資訊領域的學生,只要想一窺資訊世界,都適合來參與!
  • Q2. 若有其他問題應該如何詢問?
    A2. 有任何問題都歡迎寄信至 golangtaipei@gmail.com 喔!

行為準則 Code of Conduct


彼此欣賞,每位參加者都應該抱持專業的態度與行為,GopherCon 的成員來自不同的專業分工、技術背景與應用領域,任何貶低社群中其它成員的言行都是不適當的。



Our conference is dedicated to providing a harassment-free conference experience for everyone, regardless of gender, gender identity and expression, age, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, body size, race, ethnicity, religion (or lack thereof), or technology choices. We do not tolerate harassment of conference participants in any form. Sexual language and imagery are not appropriate for any conference venue, including talks, workshops, parties, Twitter, and other online media. Conference participants violating these rules may be sanctioned or expelled from the conference without a refund at the discretion of the conference organizers.